Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Quoting Qiyang: "i pointed out to ben the mercedes slk n BMW 6 series parking in the carpark.."

I know its lame, but it sounds as if he was addressing the mercedes as ben. (Mercedes Benz)
ie, Ben the mercedes, Bob the builder? Haha

Another quote:
"dun noe if my thinking is right..to all, pls feel free to comment...cos need someone to correct me jus in case my thinking is wrong n i din realise it."

Since you've requested, I'll give you my 2 cents worth.

To Qiyang:

It is good of you to aim high, just like I always tell people to aim for the unreachable.
Because, if your aim fails you, you most likely wont be too far off from the mark. And if you ever reach the unreachable, you've accomplished quite a feat. (I've heard numerous variations of this from alot of different people.)

To me, life has simple meaning. Live yours to the fullest, because you only live once. If you don't fight for what you desire, life for you is just being a single nut or a bolt in this huge capitalist machinery.

To appreciate your self worth is very important. If you don't even believe in yourself, you will never be able to convince people to believe in you. To benchmark your personal worth with income is very logical in comtemporary society. Even the Singapore government realises the need to use monetary rewards to entice capable people to lead the country. Thus this illustrates a very strong and positive correlation between capability and income.

In my opinion, dreams are vital as you progress on in life. While some people claims that dreams make you despair, because you won't ever meet them if you set too high a target.

I choose to believe that, if I don't make it, so be it. Life goes on. I won't keep dragging my feet for 5 years. Look on the bright side, at least you've tried your best, what more, its a dream. The dreams you have at night are most often unrealistic as well.

I think having dreams/setting aims is alot like navigation exercises. They give you a guide line to follow, similar to us plotting our way to the target destination. If the vegetation is too thick to proceed? Make a detour and try to get to the same check point. Lost your way? Back track and find a prominent feature and proceed on from there. If it still does not work out, we can always skip to the next check point or try until ENDEX.

I have many different dreams at the various points of my life.

At this point in time,
I want to get a Ph.D in Economics.
I hope to work in the International Monetary Fund (IMF)/ World Bank and do my best in reducing the rising income disparity and increasing poverty in the world.
I dream about being a Nobel Laureate in Economics.
Being awarded an Honour from the Order of the British Empire (OBE). KBE/GBE in particular if I ever get a chance to serve in Britain.

Dreams like that may sound so distant, and they can probably happen only at a probability of 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000001%

But nevertheless, I dare to dream. Do you?