Sunday, April 29, 2007


My Aunt and granny went to Turkey yesterday. And I strongly believe that I saw Maj Ben Looi at the airport with his wife. I think they are going to Istanbul as well. Since I saw them checking in along the same row as my aunt.

Since my aunt isn't in town, she left her car to me. And I brought my mum, uncle, aunt in law on a trip to NUS. Haha.

The primary aim of the trip was to familiarize myself on how to drive to campus. And showing them the campus was secondary. But it was a fruitful trip since everyone was happy and I finally know how to drive to school, after getting lost in my previous attempt.

Extremely tired, but I can't get to sleep. I'm having insomia! =/

Might as well use this time to do some revision for my upcoming Econs and Stats papers.