Friday, March 02, 2007

Meet ups.

Long day today. Left for school at 830am and came back home at 2300hrs.

First up was Econs lecture. Finally started on Macroeconomics. Its really been awhile since I read anything relating to Macroecons. But at least I kind of recalled what I learnt last time.

All my breaks today were spent on revising for my Econs test in the evening.

After my lunch break, I headed to my Statistics lecture and after that had an early dinner with Hein Hin and Kim Wei. Before heading to the central Lib to revise for my test.

Test wasnt too tough for me and I managed to finish early and left the LT early.

Then I headed back, to meet with Waiho and Aik Sheng, for a prata supper at Casuarina and did come catching up with them. Its pleasant to meet up with old friends. We should do that more often.