Thursday, March 15, 2007

Cherish Time

I am currently listening to Yes 93.3Fm.

Its a segment by Bukoh Mary, and she said a very interesting story.

One day, an old man was seated at a clinic looking very impatient. After awhile he walked up towards the reception and said to the nurse, "My appointment is supposed to be at 3pm and it is already 4pm now. I cannot wait any longer, please rescheduel another appointment for me. Thank you."

Seated near the reception, 2 middle age women were gossipping about him, they said "He must at least be 80 years old, what else can he be busy with?"

The old man turn towards them, smiled and said, "I'm 88 this year, thats why I cannot waste any time. Every minute, every second is very precious to me."

So the moral of this story is, cherish time. As time waits for no man.

As the Chinese Saying goes, “一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴”。- Time is precious as gold, but regardless of how much gold you have, you cannot buy back lost time,

PS. This story was said out in Mandarin, if my translation fail to bring out the moral of the story, I'm sorry.