Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Luke's 3 Faces of Power

I saw this today during my Sociology Lecture on Power, Politics and the State.

Simply put, the 3 faces of power are:

1. Who makes decisions?
2. Who sets agenda?
3. Who benefits?

Not much reason to post this, but since there is Luke in it, so I was trying to analyse if I Lead and Follow me has anything to do with this 3 faces.

1. Who makes the decisions? -> Luke
2. Who sets the agenda? -> Theres no agenda, just follow Luke DOWNNN.
3. Who benefits? -> Erm....

PS. No offence luke. Haha.. I was just bored.

As stated in Wiki:

Lukes's most famous academic theory is that of the 'Three faces
of power'. This theory claims that governments have three ways in which they
control people: decision-making power, non decision-making power and ideological
power. Decision-making power is the most public of the three faces and is the
manner in which governments want to be seen: the power of governments to make
policy decisions after widespread consultation with opposition parties and the
wider public. Non decision-making power is the power that governments have to
control the agenda in debates and make certain issues (such as the possible
merits of Communism in the United States) unacceptable for discussion in
moderate public forums. The third and most important face of power is
ideological power, which is the power to influence people's wishes and thoughts
and make them want things opposed to what would benefit them, such as women
supporting a patriarchical society.