Tuesday, April 01, 2008


I feel sad that I have to say this, but I've been craving for KFC's Zinger for the past 1/2 year and finally satisfied the craving today after bringing mum to the Nat. Skin Centre. Haha. Mum had to do a patch test to find out what are her allergies.

Went to the beach with Na on Saturday after she surprised me over at my place. Hehe.

Hadn't cycled for quite sometime and I must admit I was very chui on sat, but NZ Icecream was nice! Yummy. We just cycled down the usual path that we cycle and look around at others and the scenery. After we're done we sat down and had a little talk. A little talk that elicited the creation of many thoughts. Thoughts of the present and some slightly beyond.

Initally we planned to have dinner at our '1-Hr walk' place, but found nothing to our liking. So in the end we boarded the bus to bedok looking to end my craving for KFC, but our bus was travelling past bedok block 80-ish, and I recalled going to bedok 85 with the gang the other time before ZW left. So we headed there instead.

Sometimes, its good to be impromtu and spontaneous. Makes life more interesting and less mundane.

Accomodation brings the best out of us
Differences may linger, but they shan't interfer
For acceptance and understanding leads to further unison