Saturday, April 12, 2008

No Runs = Fat

It has been a while since I really went for a run. And so after coming home, I went for a good ol run.

I can only think of 1 word. And it is chui. (Even if it isn't an English word.)
Damn unfit liao la. How the hell am I suppose to run the 42 at the end of the year? Haha. Omg..
And I'm getting fatter and fatter, need to get slightly back in shape. Haha. Cham.

Running target:
Pre-exam + exam week, at least 15 - 20km per wk. Spread over 2 to 3 sessions.
Post exam = 20 to 30 per week.
Maybe train for AHM? See how.

AHM anyone?

2 more weeks. Just 2 more weeks to the start of everything.
And slightly more than 3 weeks to the end.