Monday, January 14, 2008


From that reply I get from you, you might as well don't reply me?

I guess I have to resign to fate that if you are in FASS, and haven't applied for the Minor in Management, and want to do FNA1002x, you are basically fucked.

Because, firstly you need to clear 3 Management modules, to clear the min req to apply for the minor. Then, you have to do 2 lv 1 mods, 2 lv 2 mods, 2 lv 3 mods to get the minor at the end. So, asuming I have enough points to do 3 management modules, of which maybe 1 from the 1000 level, and 2 from the 2000 level, (so that I give myself a slot for FNA1002x), but I would have shot myself in the ass, because I want to take Managerial accounting and Finance that are both from the 2000 level.

I should have just stuck to financial economics.

And of course I know Minor in management is a restricted minor. If not I wouldn't have bothered to email you in the first place.

Of the questions I raised, NONE were answered. Then you repeated what I said to you.
I almost thought I emailed a kindergarten asking if they offered a BBA course.

Don't insult my intelligence. You are not talking to a 3 month old.

You just caused me to develop a change of heart. I might open myself to a minor in Psy or Soci or something complementary to my course, such as maths/stats. I might even take Bahasa up to LAB4102.