Sunday, January 20, 2008


I don't know why, but as I was on the bus home just now, I had a severe craving for Coca Cola. So I alighted one stop before my usual stop to get a can from 7-11.

The feeling of satisfying your crave for something is beyond description. I cannot explain the sensation of satisfaction and joy when the cool cola was slipped into my mouth. As it tickles my taste buds, yet another sensation was felt. This time, it made me realised how long I've not drank coke. Slowly, the carbon dioxide starts building up and you have this urge of burping. It feels uncomfortable, but when you finally get to release the gas, the feeling is simply orgasmic.

So now I realise why so many people love coke. It is a very sensual drink that really tickles your sensory system.

Anyway, I felt damn deprived for real food this whole day. All because of the heaps of bread I've eaten.