Saturday, January 05, 2008

A day in the life of ....

I am sure this is a rather popular header or subject for many of us back during out junior years in school.

I happen to experience something over the past few days that allows me to write a story which such a heading.

A day in the life of a blind man.

Of course, I didn't really become blind. Some of you might know, I went for my PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) surgery on 2nd Jan. Unlike Lasik, this procedure does not create a flap on the outer layer of the cornea. Instead, a thin layer of the outer cornea is scraped off before the laser is applied onto the eye. After which, a piece of contact lense is placed into each eye to prevent infection to the wound.

The experience is certainly not something you will experience everyday. I've never felt so much fear in my whole life. So for the next 2 days after the op, I was in so much pain I couldn't open my eyes. I had to depend totally on my mum as my support. I had to "touch" my way to the toilet, chair, etc. I finally understood how a visually impaired person felt. Not only that, it feels so bad to have to be totally dependent on someone for almost everything.

Thanks to the mouse, who came visiting me everyday! =p
Thanks to Dr JC for making this op easy and fast for me.

Most importantly, thanks mum for being my eyes and hands and support for these days and aunty wendy who took time to send me to the hospital.