The feeling is just so different.
Work load hasn't increased by alot relative to the previous sem, however the content is definitely much more difficult.
Presentation over for now, not the best of presentations, but it really has been awhile since I presented anything.
Finally submitted a reaction paper for JS, and seriously, writing a 250 word paper is much more tedious then writing a 1000 word one. Being concise and precise is definitely not my forte. I can't show off my extraordinary skills at beating about the bush!
Been thinking about minors, still considering what to minor in. Perhaps I shall stick to my original plan of doing a Management Minor, who knows, I might even upgrade to a 2nd major in Mgmt, or even an ad hoc DDP B.Soc.Sci(Hons) Econs + B.B.A. Haha. Wishful thinking.
Genes and society slowly getting on track. Mugging from the textbook is definitely helpful when your lecturer is going too fast for you.
Although initially I was apprehensive about being in EA1101, I kind of enjoy being in the class. Mainly because of the people there, nice friendly people. I forgot who told me this, but seriously I think that, "Its the company that matters most, and not where you are." is damn true. Of course, I must admit that my grammar has improved tremendously.
Attended Iman's wedding after my tuition, didn't stay for long because the only people there that I know apart from Iman, is Hairul and a couple of Charlie men. Could see that he is happy and much more mature. Seeing him get married is really something that makes me happy. Still remembered the time when Ben and I got him to cut our hair. Haha. Those were the days.
Went for a super extended family gathering yesterday and finally saw my Aunt who is currently a lecturer in one Ireland Uni. Haven't seen her for almost 10 years, and now that I talked to her, I realised that lecturers there aren't earning alot. But so long as she is enjoying herself there, I guess money isn't of fundamental importance.
Finally done with tutorials on a Sunday afternoon for once. Haha. Gives me more time to do some revision and prepare for the upcoming lectures.
Still contemplating on joining something, be it in school or outside. However even with these comtemplations, I have no real idea what is the driving force behind all these desire.
Perhaps it is not for the interest per se, but more of beautifying my curriculum vitae.
Finally, a little digression towards Joanna, I'm damn happy for you now la! Glad that you found bliss and happiness in him. =) All the best for your honours year.