Saturday, May 31, 2008


In the past, I always wondered why I cannot actively recall where which alphabet is on the keyboard, but I can easily type without looking down at the keyboard.

Is this the power of the implicit memory? Just like how you will know how to cycle, once you learnt it?

Even with 3 sems down, I still cannot be certain this is the path I want to go down in the future. It is definitely one of the better choices, in terms of studies. But with regard to career, I'm still unsure. This post has a no relation to my results, in case you all are wondering if it is due to my under expectation grades.

I need more action I suppose. Even though I may not look like it. I can foresee the job of an Economist, Investment banker, etc... Can be pretty desk bound, a tad boring and mundane.

The most precious ability of Homo Sapiens, is to be able to think.
To perceive stimuli, process them, modify them and to apply them. But it is also this very ability to process that gives us a weakness - thinking too much. I'm starting to think too much, over every damn thing.

Cogito, ergo sum? But does this hold? So if I don't think, I cease to exist?

I don't look forward to becoming one of many socially engineered Singaporean. That was one reason why I made the daring decision to swap course.

I need a breakthrough, and I need to pursue something I love, which isn't well defined yet.

Messy thoughts. Not a pretty sight. I'm losing my organisation. I need to zone out for a bit.