Thursday, March 13, 2008

Moment of Anguish, Month of Negativity

I was mightily pissed off with the SMRT service yesterday. Missed a grand total of 7 trains because I cannot get in even though I tried my best to squeeze with everyone.

During peak hours, try not to have a 10min wait for a train.
Because you will get a train worth of commuters waiting on the platform.

I realised the textbook is your best friend in Uni. With the exceptions of the rare occurrence whereby the lecturers are better friends than the textbooks, most of the time textbooks are better.

Some things always puzzle me. Why is it that for a single module when taught by different lecturers, the focus of the module seems to differ not just marginally. And that how some modules in the level 2000 range can cover 90% of whatever we've learnt in 1000, and just have about 10% new information, which some of them are just an expansion of the knowledge we learnt in the prerequisite.

2 Mid terms gone, 2 more to come. 1 Bahasa play and 1 marketing presentation round the corner. Nefmq stuffs on its way too. Some times, I wonder if schooling is so enjoyable.

But of course, I still have my desire/dreams of doing a postgrad degree (All these could change soon). So I better start regaining my correct mentality.