Thursday, February 28, 2008

Mid School Crisis.

Was talking to Edgar for a bit last night.

Hows life? He asked.

I realised I couldnt even answer that question properly. Life just feels messy.

I don't understand why either, I have a midterm schedule that everyone is envious of, I'm not entirely stressed out by my studies as well. I just cannot muster up enough of everything to do anything right.

I've thought I've found the right path, but the query of whether it is the right direction to go seems to come back to me again and again. It is getting pretty damn irritating. Perhaps, just perhaps I am starting to lose my mind as well. I cant seem to remember any single shit that I studied. STM going, LTM going. What else can go?

Maybe he is right on the mid sch crisis, on the bright side at least it gives me some prep when I enter mid life crisis. Haha