Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Why do I blog?

I was surfing blogs of 17 - 18 year olds. And from my dear 'Santa' i started to ponder why do I blog. Reading my blog entries, I find that most of the entries are actually a summary of the events which happen on a particular day, apart from the occasional/rare random thoughts and addressing of some social issues.
So looking deep into it, I realised that I blog to keep a record of the major events which happen to me or around me. And apart from it, I blog for people to see. I dont know if this is a good thing or bad, but I like surfing my friends's blog to see what have been happening to them, and whats going on in the lives. Even without any form of communication, I can still know whats up with them.
But maybe these reasons just came out from my mind to try to answer to my own queries and doubts of why I blog. Maybe there is just no reason.

So WHY do you blog?