Sunday, August 17, 2008


originating from outside; derived externally.

Life sucks. Especially when too many things are exogenous.
So many things are beyond your control. No matter how hard you try to avoid it or try to keep it away from you, it will still come right smack in your face. If you manage to avoid it, it will haunt you another time.

I don't like many things that are happening around me. It's everywhere. Every little thing happening everywhere is pissing me off. Retail therapy didn't work very well.
I need HTHT and air lung session BAD. Looking forward to friday. Air lung and dim sum! =)

It's always a bummer when it comes to affairs of the heart. Many turn to me for a listening ear and some turn to me for advice. But why me? I'm not a love guru. I'm equally lost when it comes to things like this. Love is a 4 letter word that is too complicated for me to fathom. I'm not chasing away ppl who want to talk to me abt anything la. Haha. Don't be mistaken. I'm always glad to lend a listening ear, even part with one of my ear. =)

Tmr I end school at 12. Anyone wants to go out??????????
I think I will be a good boy and come home early. Get a haircut. Its quite bushy as what Clarice said. And I agree, I don't like hair touching/covering my ears. Try to clock 12 to 15km in the evening to prep for sunday's AHM.

Went for RUNNUS today, hate the ups and downs. Seriously. Haha. National University of Stairs and Slopes. =P

Went to Augustin's party just now. Think he is damn cute, as usual. =)