Tuesday, November 20, 2007


This has got to be the worst "week 13 leading to reading week period" I've had so far. I'm not in the mood, I keep having headaches, I can't sleep even though I'm like damn tired. And the next morning, I'll wake up feeling damn lousy because of the awkward sleeping posture and also because I was unproductive the previous day.

But at least things are taking a turn for the better. At least that is what I think so. Been wondering how is it I don't remember a thing Dr Lee Jin said immediately after all his lectures. It's not as if he is an incapable lecturer. Apart from the slight dryness (What do you expect from a statistics module?) he has been rather clear. After eliminating all the other plausible reasons, I've zoomed down into 1 strong argument, it's Math. That must be the reason why I'm taking eons to understand it. Haha. It's modules like this that makes me really appreciate the textbook.

Since I'm talking about textbooks here, might as well digress a bit. I realised I haven't been as hardworking as before. I hardly read up prior the lectures. In fact, I never. I normally do the reading up after the lectures or after the tutorials. It's perhaps due to the lethargy during the beginning of this semester. And once I'm lagging behind, I can't seem to get out of that vicious cycle. Enough of digression, let me get back to the main topic of why I wanted to blog.

I'm finally starting to understand the final few lectures of Econometrics, hopefully I'm interpretting the things correctly. But so far it still seem to make much sense. I'm done with Microeconomics and as soon as I complete the past sem papers of Macroeconomics, I should be left with JS1101E that I will prepare intensively after EC3303 and Genes and Society that I do not intend to touch until the end of all my papers, which is on 30th November.

Japanese studies is a bummer. I do not really know how to study for it. It might seem like a history/sociology/geography module. But the fact that it is a MCQ paper makes me wonder what I should study. I still believe I've made a wrong choice to take JS, I'm much better at throwing smoke grenades than sniping, if you get my drift.

The hidden reason why I wanted to blog this post, is to write something. That is to prepare for my English for Academic Purposes paper this Friday. Haven't been writing alot this semester, although my Academic papers are still of relative above average standards. Hopefully, I do not screw up on the grammar editing segment. Time for lunch and mugging!