Saturday, September 23, 2006


Hurray, its the term break... Finally a period where i dun have to wake up at 5ams on thurs and fri and no need to do tutorials until 1 2 am at nite...

Yep.. i think i really deserve a break before i embark on my journey of mugging for my mid term tests... So i shall not do anything tonite besides filing up my notes and clearing other stuff before my room gets raided by my mum..

So, lets see... I had a pretty good day today.. i went to the Singapore Buddhist Lodge with Na to her bursury presentation ceremony... Well, its pretty cool coz although it is a buddhist and a chinese based organisation, they are also giving out bursuries to students of other races and religion... Not just limiting them to buddhists. The sacred occasion which is held annually, was graced by Dr Balaji Sadasivan the Senior Minister Of State for Ministry of Foreign Affairs &Ministery of Information, Communication and The Arts..

One thing tt amuses me is that, throughout the whole event, they had to address him or speak of him for like 15 to 20 times. For which EVERY time they have to say: Let us now invite our Guest of honor , Dr Balaji Sadasivan the Senior Minister Of State for Ministry of Foreign Affairs &Ministery of Information, Communication and The Arts to present the bursuries to the students... So ya i had to hear his name and title for like so many times tt i also remember it now... hmm.. i think its too much red tape.

Oh well, anyway the place did serve good vegetarian food =)... and my dear monster is so disappointed because she didnt get to eat the small small 'Peng Kueh' and the donut served there... haha... =p.

After which we left and she went for work and i went to meet mummy, aunty liling and my grandma for dinner at Lot1. First time i been there, yep.. i m not kidding, and well, there wasnt much as well. so i guess its alright. =)...

ANd now i am home blogging about my day.. while munching on an apple...