Sunday, November 26, 2006

changing someone's life

Was proud of myself finishing my revision on the language portion of my Nation Building Module, I decided to reward myself by watching the television.
When I flicked on the remote, up came Extreme Makeover Home Ed. And being an avid fan of interior design and having a soft spot for such shows, I was darn glad indeed. So I carried on watching and they were tasked to change the house of this family of 5 in 7 days. And the family were sent on a cruise for 7days.
So this whole major construction took place.
The crux of this whole makeover is to help make this family like it was before. Because the eldest son in the family apparently had an accident and kind of lost mobility with his legs thus was wheelbounded. He could not enter his house through the main door, eat with the family, cannot go up to his own room etc... So the design team wanted to make all those COULD NOTS into COULDS.

In the 7 days, they installed an elevator in the house. (I am impressed.) Gave them a therapeutic pool to help the son recover his mobility. Resized alot of things.
You can imagine how that changed the family's life.
Although they may not be the poorest family in the world, may not be the family living in a very lousy environment previously, but to change someone's life for the better, thats simply amazing.
At least I know they are definately one of the happiest people for now.
I am definately touched.